The Town of Fairfield is a rural municipality in Franklin County, VT with a community population of about 2,044. The Selectboard, municipal staff and elected officials are responsible for municipal operations, including planning, taxing, zoning, elections, parcel mapping, land records management, budgeting, road maintenance, buildings and grounds upkeep, etc. The Selectboard is the management entity of the municipality and the Town Administrator supports the Selectboard in carrying out their duties and responsibilities to the ultimate benefit of the Town of Fairfield. The Planning Commission & Zoning Board of Adjustment prepare the municipal plan, and amendments thereto, and to prepare zoning bylaws, and amendments thereto.. They also hear appeals on zoning decisions and grant or deny variances. The Town of Fairfield's full-time employees include a town clerk, a road foreman, three road crewmen and a librarian. Part-time employees include a treasurer, a zoning administrator, a clerk assistant, a recording secretary, library assistants, and two on-call road crewmen.
Cathy has been a leader in multiple sectors working to preserve the values of safety, community-building, engagement, transparency and trust. Her roots are in the Sheldon and Fairfield communities and she brings twenty years of administrative experience to the position. Cathy has regularly served as a municipal contractor and is skilled in project management as well as results-based accountability. You may reach her by email at or by calling the town office at 802-827-3261 ext. 101. Cathy's office is located in the Town Clerk's Building at 25 North Road.