This board meets at the Fairfield Town Offices on the first Monday of each month, as needed, beginning at 7:00 PM, unless otherwise posted. Meetings are open to the public.
The Planning Commission & Zoning Board of Adjustment are two separate municipal boards serving two separate functions. A Town can, and Fairfield has, elected to cause the members of its Planning Commission to serve also as the members of its Zoning Board. Therefore, although this group serves two distinct functions, it is in practice as one board. As Planning Commission they prepare a municipal plan, and amendments thereto, and to prepare zoning bylaws, and amendments thereto. As Zoning Board, they primarily hear appeals of zoning decisions and grant or deny variances.
As per state statute, recordings of meetings after July 1, 2024 are available for 30 days after the meeting's minutes have been approved (see meeting minutes above). Meetings prior to July 1, 2024 were not required to be recorded.